
The Book

Street performers around the world - The book

Since over a year I started working on my photography documentary book which titled “Street performers around the world” the book and from its title is about covering the street performers and artists (singers, musicians, painters, pavement artists and others) daily life in form of a photography book includes interviewing street performers and artists in many cities in the world.

We all see street performers and artists performing their art with a hat or a cup or even a box in front of them to collect money from who ever willing to pay something to support, this book is to discover their own world, the struggles, challenges, dreams and their individual stories and most of all something about their art and talents.

While the title says "Around the world' it actually will cover the following cities, Berlin, Freiburg, Rome, Paris, London, Athens, Istanbul, Morocco, Cairo

Why those 9 cities? in fact the only reason is that I have friends and people in those cities that are able to provide me the necessary assistance required.

 For more info about the book please click here

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